Yippee! We pulled it off! Valentine's Day, that is. Last year, actually went surprisingly well. I have had some go not so well. So I am officially learning from each school party and helping Rocco continue his days without running too high from the treatfest.

The party started as soon as the kids got in for the day. Here is the food that we served.

This year, I signed up to be "food mom" and with the help of the "room mom", we planned the menu and asked the other parents to bring specific items.
We started with a blood sugar of 177. Pretty good. So just to stack the odds in his favor, I made a carb free breakfast of eggs and sausage.

The party started as soon as the kids got in for the day. Here is the food that we served.
As soon as I walked in, I had a treat of my own! I saw this.

If you can't tell, someone taped the nutrition facts of the contents on the foil.

These are powered sugar donuts with a jelly heart in the middle. Better than cupcakes.

The best treat that all the kids loved was this!

No one noticed that there weren't ice cream sundae bars or cupcakes slathered in frosting! The art of distraction is a beautiful gift.

The boys had an awesome time!
Leaving the party is the hardest part for a mom with a Type 1 child. You give your child the insulin, you wait and you pray. You pray that all the sugar that they just consumed perfectly dances with the administered insulin. You try really hard to make the treats "healthier" yet still some sort of fun because you hate with all your heart that your child has to be the one to dictate the menu. You also super hate that you have to be "that mom". You know the mom with peanut allergy, diabetes, wheat allergy, etc... Trust me, those moms do NOT want to be "that mom" either. You just do what you have to do for your kids!
Thankfully kids today are pretty much happy and used to healthy choices. They are also used other kids in their classes with certain food limitations. Most ofthe time they tell us. "MOM! I can't take that peanut butter to school this year because Michael is allergic!" At my friend's party she texted me to tell me her daughter's Valentine's Day party had orange slices, apple slices, strawberries, popcorn and fruit punch. I jokingly texted back, "laaaaammmeee!" Lol! She said not one kid in the class said anything about it.

I had to attend a funeral while I waited the two hours before the blood sugar check. Here is how it went:

I had to sneak my phone out in the church to text her and couldn't remember if gym or music came first! Ha! But I'll tell you what, when a mom with a diabetic kid gets a good blood sugar reading over a text, her whole mood changes. The sky's part, the birds chirp and the rainbows glow! Thank God! Another successful year!
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If you like this post and want to read more along the way, "like" us on Facebook. New posts will show up in your newsfeed. www.facebook.com/everydayhighsandlows
Thank you for this post! I am mom to a six year old diagnosed T1D January 4th. That was one of the hardest days of my life but we adjusted and are doing well considering our lives have been flipped upside down. She has done extremely well with everything, that is until Valentine's day:(
It was our first celebration since being diagnosed. Her teacher gave ghee a graham cracker with peanut butter instead of sugar cookie with frosting, which was great. The problem was her watching all the kids put Valentine's into her box and her knowing she couldn't have most of it. Then when we got home and she emptied her box, her sisters, and mine(I am a teacher, so I got a lot of candies too) she began crying and cried uncontrollably for about 45 minutes. I sat and cried with her. Nanny and Pa got her balloons and a rose, and mamaw and papaw took her to Walmart to pick out a toy, so it made it a little better, but it was the hardest day we have had since being diagnosed. I hope to be able to do better with future parties and such, its just hard when she has been used to eating candy and such and now can but in minimal amounts.
Heather, Thanks so much for sharing your story. Your daughter sounds very brave. So do you. The first year is so hard. I always say it is like going through the five stages of grief. Mourning a life that, for the moment, isn't coming back. If you look on the left side of the blog you'll see a section called Labels. feel free to read the past posts in the Diabetes section. Hope they help! Write to us anytime and let us know how she(and you) are doing!
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