Once, we finally got pregnant, I had a beautiful first trimester. It was the life I had always dreamed of and more. When we found out it was twins, wow! Two true blessings...
At 20 weeks, I began to efface and had to do a cerclage. I was put on bed rest for the next 16 weeks. Ugh! Lonely misery is all I remember. It was during this time that I wrote the book on infertility and my pregnancy, which I hope to publish soon.
I can't get this stupid picture to flip around for the love of God! |
This is the day I delivered |
At 36 weeks my high-risk doctor came into the examination room and said "Do you want to meet your sons today?" Amazing! What a rush! After all that time I finally get to see their faces. I hoped they were pretty. Whaaatt??? You never know! My blood pressure was too high at 180/120 and Rocco had lost a lot of fluid, so an emergency C- Section was required immediately. Time to meet mommy and daddy!
Somebody's excited!!! |
Man! do we look young here! |
I wasn't scared - I just wanted them here. I had waited six years to meet these two and in one hour I finally would!!!
Sorry for the penis picture but the nurses didn't cover it! |
An hour later, there they were! Two healthy boys. Rocco(right) was a whopping 6 lbs 11 ounces and Zeke(left) was 5 lbs 11 ounces. Good job mommy! No NICU, breathing or other problems. They were perfect! I was a swollen balloon, but I will get to that in a minute.
The next couple of days flew by. I tried to learn to breast feed them but I only got advice once from a nurse once from my mom, who had never done it. The training lady didn't come in on weekends. Breast feeding twins with no prior knowledge sucked! I wish now I could have gotten started differently - would have, should have, could have.
After three days, we went home. A perfect fall day! They were sweet, small and quiet. I spent the next week swollen. Really swollen. Everyone just said "This is what happens after pregnancy." My husband's aunt died and the funeral was held in our city, so we had a lot of visitors that week who came to see the babies. People kept commenting how great I looked after having them. Months later, a few of them said they didn't want to tell me, but I Iooked awful. They said I was green and gray. Thanks a lot!
I felt terrible. I would try to walk up our twelve steps and I would stop and sit half way. I just couldn't catch my breath. I didn't eat a thing except maybe one half piece of toast each day and a half of a cup of tea. I couldn't. I felt flu-like. Still trying to struggle through breast feeding, waking every three hours to feed them. (Each boy took 45 minutes to feed.) Ugh! My husband was and still is an angel walking among us. Just a trooper. Helping anyway he could.
To continue the rest of the story click here.