As you might gather, school holiday parties are just not my thing.
First, there was the Valentine's party last year. Click here to read how that went.
Then there was the Mother's Day party. Click here...
So, having a twin with diabetes is challenging when it comes to school parties.
So this year, I finally listened to my friend, who also has a son with Type 1 diabetes. "I just don't give anyone a choice. I sign up to be the food mom for every party. Then I plan the menu and assign the snacks to each of the other moms."
She doesn’t care that she seems like a control freak, which has always been my worry. I never want to be the mom who requires that everyone else must cater to my requirements. My brave friend doesn’t worry about these things. She jumps right in and does whatever it takes to care for her son. I was inspired by this, so I decided to do the same for this year’s school Christmas, opps! I mean holiday, party. I signed up to be the food mom, planned the menu, assigned healthy snacks to the other moms and assigned myself to bring the sweet treats, so I would know ahead of time exactly how many carbs were in each treat!
Here are the two things I brought.

I know! Cute, right?
Each of these snacks has only 10 carbs. These snacks are peanut-free (we have two peanut allergy kids), politically correct and low carb! Go me!
To the other mothers, I assigned fruit kabobs (10 carbs), cheese and crackers (10 carbs), a veggie tray (0 carbs), and mini waters (0 carbs – no 24 carb Capri Suns). I know, it seems lame, but I had to do what I had to do! The Capri Suns could wait until the kids get home.
So, the total for everything on the table was about 40 carbs per kid if they took one each! Yay! I felt so proud.
As the party started, I looked over the food table as I did my calculations. Yep, everything was right on track! I was so excited, I decided to tell Rocco, "Hey! You can have one of everything on the table!"
He got the biggest smile on his face then said, "YES!"
Then he got so excited he told his best friend, "I can have one of everything on the table!"
His best friend said, "YES!" and they high fived! It was sweet. He has nice friends.
I was feeling proud of myself until one of the moms, who came late and had never answered any of my emails, added these to the table!

Plus juice and a bag of pretzels!
Um, helllooo mystery mom who never reads her emails! Do you not understand that I am trying to raise a kid here who shouldn't eat your high carb, fast acting treats? I know I am being mean and I am sure she had no idea what she had done, but I was so excited to have it be just right and in one fell swoop, it was ruined! Grrrr!!!
I felt deflated as I looked over at Rocco. He was having so much fun. I brought him aside and asked him if we could make a plate with the original snacks and bring the super-sugary treats home to have later.Tears welled up in his eyes and he said, "But you said I could have one of everything on the table..." I was suddenly realized he was genuinely going to start to cry in front of all of his friends.
So....I caved. "All right. Go ahead."
This, of course, pleased him no end and he ran off to play the next game.
While he was playing though, I got mad. I grabbed a plastic knife and cut the pieces of that chocolate cake into the smallest slivers you have ever seen! Was that appropriate? No! Was it fair to all the other kids? No! But I didn't care! They can have all the sugar they want later.

Nobody ever said that a mama bear had be polite while protecting her cubs!
In the long run, I am not sure anyone noticed my secret attempts at a fun but low-carb party. None of the kids ever did complain about the size of the cake servings. But one little boy did keep coming back and asking for more fruit kabobs. Ha ha!
As for Rocco, at one point I looked over and saw him happily eating two treats at the same time.

He had a good time, although his blood sugars ran from 300 to 400 for several hours. Ugh..

Look at these cool ideas! Hope I remember them for next year!

Ok moms tell me, please. How did you handle these stupid parties with your kids? I would love some advice because I have two more parties this year! Help! Please, leave it in the comment section below.