After I did my blog about Disney, I got a message from a Robyn at I was at first super excited! Sometimes I live in a PollyAnna world and I thought maybe she was from Disney and wanted to offer me a free trip so that I could blog about my experience. Well, that didn't happen, but maybe one day!
Instead though, I discovered a person just as good! So, until I save up enough to get myself to the magical world of Disney, I will let you all know about her.
Her name is Robyn and she works for a company called Travel With The Magic. They are a travel agency that actually specializes in Disney. The twist is that her goal is to be the “Disney Whisperer” for "Special Kids". Now I just made up that phrase for the sake of being "compassionately correct." (See, I just made up another one. I should write more at 2 am). Robyn knows Disneyworld and all the magic of the mystical land. But she knows it as it exists through the eyes of our special children. Our children that have Type 1 diabetes Type 2 diabetes, autism, cerebral palsy, ADD, ADHD, allergies, etc...
When I spoke with her, I could feel the love and care she felt for every family she has helped over the years. She truly loves this specialized part of her job. She knows Disney is magical for families, but for families with special circumstances, it can also be intimidating!
Imagine that your child has a form of autism and is overwhelmed by a trip to the grocery store. A trip to Disneyworld would seem out of the question. But Robyn has been able to help such families navigate their way through their amazing Disneyworld week(s) with a lot less stress and anxiety. She knows the parts of Disney that are pleasing for an autistic mind.
She also knows the parts of Disneyworld that a parent of a Type 1 diabetic would appreciate. This knowledge comes first hand, as her husband and son have Type 1 diabetes. However, her knowledge is not limited to autism or diabetes. She can help any child with a "specialty." (That one sounds good too!)
She can also help a family that has a child in a wheelchair. She knows the special passes that are available. She knows the best months to go. She knows quiet places to eat and relax. She knows how to accommodate a 7-year-old with a stroller. She knows how to alert a chef when a child is allergic to the whole planet and only came out of his bubble to meet the big mouse! She really is the "go to" girl if your family has a child with special circumstances.
She knows that the cast members at Disney are ready and willing to help with any medical emergency. That is what makes them special.
She even has helped service dogs get into and navigate their way through the park! So she helps "special animals" too! She is heaven-sent.
In March, she hosts a Diabetic Mouseketeers trip, for families with diabetic children. It is a chance to enjoy the park knowing that there are other families dealing with the same issues at the same time. During this trip, she includes times when everyone can meet and mingle. We all know how it works when great minds collaborate!
Ok, now I know the cynical (I mean practical) ones out there are saying, "Great Shari, but Disney is expensive enough. I can’t afford a personal concierge too.” Fear not my worrisome friends! You should know me better than that by now. I come bearing gifts! Her service is free! She can even take over your existing reservation with no cost to you, adding the benefit of her special knowledge! She has not paid, bribed or threatened me to toot her horn. No! She is just a great lady and I couldn't keep such a golden nugget to myself!
If you do not have a "special kid" but you know someone who does, feel free to pass this blog post onto them.
Also, if you do not have a "special kid", call her if you and your family are going to Disney. She helps everyone!!
If you would like to contact Robyn, you can email her at or call her at800-680-4312 ext. 125. Tell her I sent you and she will be thrilled to give you extra special love!
Don't forget about us little people. Let us know how your trip goes!