When I started this blog, my idea was to make people laugh, discuss what it's really like to raise twins, help people understand diabetes a little more and unite people who are caring for children with Type 1 diabetes. Then I discovered a new reason to write, while also incorporating the all of the above.
At a local diabetes fair, I found an amazing number of people just looking for someone with whom to share their experiences. Sometimes, being a parent of a diabetic child, you end up focusing on all the clinical stuff. You are bombarded with carb counting cookbooks, different types of insulin pumps or needles, 504 plans for your child at school -useful but boring stuff. I realized that these parents just need a little corner of the world that is their own special place, a place where other parents have found their triumphs and tribulations.
If they are lucky they may find a great support group through their hospital or school district. But what they don't have is a girlfriend who they can trust and with whom they can hash things out. They need someone who can laugh at their bad choices, such as maintaining the same infusion sight for six days. They need someone who can relate to the scary experience of giving their child a large injection, a new site change and diet pop for dinner, in order to offset a very high blood sugar. This person is usually not available. Although many of us have a best friend that can listen to us, even the best of friends usually don't have first-hand knowledge of what it's like on the front line.
Enter Shari. I am quirky. I am real. I am politically incorrect some days(so don't write to tell me that I am not supposed to call my child "diabetic" or that "he is high", please). I am going to divulge all my secrets on the worldwide web (do people say that anymore?). I am going to tattle on some of my friends and tell you their funny stories (with their permission of course). I am going to tell you about parts of my day that only a parent of a Type I child or a mom of multiples would understand.
Why do this you ask? Well my new friend, you are in luck. Because I love to write and I really want to make you laugh. I also want you to get a break from it all and for one small part of your day not take this diabetes parenting (or twin stuff) seriously. So let yourself off the hook and realize you have done a good job today! You did the best you can. So put your child(ren) to bed, grab your laptop (or cool new tablet) and log on. I promise to do all the above and then some.
But wait, not so fast. You are not off the hook. I need some fun too!
There is a spot at the top of the page that says "What's your high?" and one that says "What's your low?".
Enter you. The real you. The "no one knows you so who cares if you put it all out there" you. If you FINALLY got your child to test on the finger he would NEVER let you touch, log on and post your "high". Let's celebrate! If your "Type A" twin just smacked your "Type B " twin again post your "low". We are here for you. It doesn't matter how big or small your high or low is. If you are excited or need help, it is good enough for me and your new BFFs. So, post!
2 weeks ago