Our long story shortened...

20 years of being in love

14 years of marital bliss

5 years of infertility

9 months of a high risk pregnancy

2 perfect boys (at the same time)

1 heart failure

1 type 1 diabetes diagnosis

1 happy life

To see the whole story click on the "about us" tab

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I am a stay at home mom who is raising twins. One of my guys has type 1 diabetes and one does not. I am writing this blog to unite type 1 parents or twin parents. Comment on my posts or in the "what's your high?" and "what's your low?" to join the community of parents just trying to do the best we can!

We won!




living in a cloud house

So, yesterday after much saddness and thought, I sent my puppy to live with the angels in a cloud house (as Zeke calls it). My good friend, Tina said that animal heaven is in the orange part of the sunset. I thought that was nice. Thanks, T! Thanks to all my friends on Facebook who wrote such nice things. Your words were the only reason I was able to take him in. 

It is an eery feeling after a pet is gone. Michael and I have owned a dog since we were dating for only 6 months. We have been together for 20 years. All day long I have been wanting to let him out, take him for his walk, and feed him the table scraps. It's like turning on the light when the power goes out. I just keep forgetting. I guess I never realized how much of my day was devoted to him. He is intertwined into all my habits. 

Of the two boys, Rocco is the saddest so far. He keeps stopping, taking a deep breath, hanging his head and then saying "I just missed King again". Then Zeke who has been more stoic says, "Rocco, these things happen...". Then they return to whatever they were doing. It's sweet. Zeke also keeps telling me what a great mom I am. I think he thought it was his duty to put on the brave face for Rocco and I. My mom reminded me to be careful of those stoic ones though. She said you never know when it will all come out. She's probably right. I'll keep my eye on him. 

I know it was the right decision, but it definitely was a hard decision. I can only hope he is healed in his cloud house. Free of arthritis pain he felt everyday. Running with a young healthy heart like he used to in his dreams. 

I also hope dogs can talk in heaven because I asked him to tell my old dog June and my dad how much I love and miss them. I like to think they are all together now. 

Rest in peace my good boy! 

He was actually in this ad. My friend Carol took this picture and the ASPCA bought it from her to use in their ads. He is the most famous one in our family! 

He's so pretty!!

I hope he's doing this right now! 

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