Today's topic for Diabetes Blog Week is: show what diabetes looks like through some snapshots. So here you go...

This is him getting checked during his basketball game.

These are his test strips. We use these every time we poke his finger to check his blood sugar. There are 50 in each box. This is a two month supply.


This is what we keep his pump in. Pjs have no pockets.
This is three days before Rocco was diagnosed. He had lost a quarter of his body weight and was not yet 2 years old.
These are his test strips. We use these every time we poke his finger to check his blood sugar. There are 50 in each box. This is a two month supply.
This is him at the same waterpark three days before he was diagnosed. I am guessing in this picture his blood sugar was above 500. We had no idea he diabetes. He chews his nails when he is high. We know that now..
This is him at the school Valentine's Day party. This one had low carb food, thank God. But typically these are a nightmare.
This is Rocco without diabetes.
People always tell me I can cure him with exercise and eating right.
This is how his pump attaches.
This is a perfect blood sugar number for a child.
This is him going to play in the neighborhood. He has a backpack with water, his monitor, sugar tablets and yes that is a cell phone. He calls me if he feels low.
I loved this picture until I washed his hands and the paint colored all of the holes in his fingers from when we check his blood sugar. They were everywhere.

This is my man giving himself insulin. He's six.
This is what he looks like when his blood sugar is 326.
Yes he is eating ham pieces and diet pop...
Here is an after school snack when his blood sugar is high.
But this is also him....
just being a kid,
A brother,
A sweetie,
a goof ball,
And a perfect little human...
Your children are beautiful!! I guess we must all have that 1 pic of or child days or even hours before they have been diagnosed. At that frozen moment in time, they are forever safe and free.
I love the pack you use to hold his pump at night unfortunately my cousin says it's annoying and he has to have athletic shorts with pockets to sleep in. I want pajamas for kids with pockets! It's tough when you have a child with diabetes and on a pump wanting the coolest pajamas and you say I'm sorry they don't have pockets. My cousin's 8 and he is dying for the avengers pajamas but sadly no pockets and companies say when I ask about if their pajamas have pockets oh their not in demand or needed! As my cousin Kealin says: "Kids on an insulin pumps need awesome pj's too!"
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